Sunday, May 18, 2014

CLOSE UP: Higgins Weaponry at Worcester Art Museum, 1920

Second Floor- Worcester Art Museum, 1920

     Several Worcester Art Museum staff members, when shown the above 1920 photo of the Cafe area above, commented on the mysterious weaponry displayed in the rack at far left. If I was to venture a guess, I would say that the lances/spears might've been briefly on loan from John Woodman Higgins. The photo was taken 10 years before his glass and steel Museum building was constructed, and Mr. Higgins then housed his growing collection in his residence very close to WAM. If that is the case, then it's even more fitting that some of those objects will return 94 years later in 2014:

CLOSE UP: Second Floor- Worcester Art Museum, 1920

     Many weapons on display at Higgins Armory Museum (not necessarily the ones shown here) look similar to those shown in the 1920 WAM photo:
Great Hall- Higgins Armory Museum, 2013