Sunday, May 25, 2014

CLOSE UP: Worcester Art Museum, 1914

Third Floor- Worcester Art Museum, 1914

     A close look at the above 1914 photo of the Third Floor East Gallery shows John Singer Sargent's "Lady Warwick and Her Son", a recent acquisition, purchased in 1913, honorably displayed and roped-off across the way... and an even closer look reveals a cast of Charles Y. Harvey's 1912 "Turtle Boy" sculpture, an infamous Worcester emblem, with the sea turtle and boy's leg peeking out beside the desk just outside the doorway:

CLOSE UP: Third Floor- Worcester Art Museum, 1914

     Here are some sketches I did of the Turtle Boy statue atop the Burnside Fountain, from different angles, In situ on Worcester Common behind City Hall:

Burnside Fountain (Turtle Boy), 1912. by Travis Simpkins